Here you’ll find a collection of interesting and though provoking articles that we’ve enjoyed researching as much as writing. Although our business is in the pest control industry, not all of the articles found here will be about rats and mice, its a collection of our favourite subjects loosely tied in with our industry.
Stop using these soap brands as they could actually attract mosquitos!
Okay so I read an article recently which was published in iScience which really made me pay attention as I am one of unlucky ones who is actually like a walking buffet to mosquitos. In this article they conducted an …
Confessions of a Rat Man – a tale with a its tail. yelp.
All of the characters in this completely made up story which definitely didn’t happen are 100% fictitious. All associations to real people are coincidental, apart from Mrs Smith, that lovely cackling, sweet but non sympathetic old lady is real and …
Wasp venom can kill cancerous cells!
Okay so I know wasps have a pretty bad reputation, let’s face it they attack repeatedly when provoked injecting painful venom and they’re neither as useful or as loved as our bees however I think your feelings might change ever-so-slightly …
5 ways to stop wasps being a nuisance this summer
Do wasps plague you in the summer? Do your arms hurt from the continual swatting? Do you end up eating inside on a hot day because of wasps? Read on for a few helpful hints…. Okay so lets start by …